Seminar: May 14
Van Vu, Yale University
Anti-concentration results and applications
Consider the random sum S= c_1 x_1 +...+c_n x_n where c_i are real coefficents and x_i are iid random variables. Let I be a small interval. About 8 years ago, Tao and the speaker made the following observation: Unless the coefficients c_i have a strong structure, the probability that S belongs to I is very small. We call results of this type anti-concentration theorems.
As a motivation, let us mention a classical result of Sarkoky and Szemeredi from the 1970s. Consider the case when c_i=1 and x_i are iid Bernoulli random variables (taking value +-1). The probability that S equals zero is of order n^{-1/2} if n is even. However, if we forbid the c_i to be the same, then the probability that S is zero is at most n^{-3/2}.
We are going to discuss several anti-concentration results, which give the precise structure of the c_i. As applications, we show that these results are essential in bounding the least singular value of random matrices (or randomly perturbed matrices in general). The least singular value, in turn, plays a big role in smoothed analysis and the proof of the famous circular law conjecture from random matrix theory.
Joint work with H. Nguyen (OSU) and T. Tao (UCLA).